This brief questionnaire can help you make a decision about whether you need mental health counseling from a licensed counselor if coaching will be best for you. Modern Mystics counselors and coaches are uniquely skilled at incorporating alternative and complementary services, such as astrology, tarot, or spiritual traditions, into client sessions.
Instructions: For each question, choose the answer that best describes your current situation. At the end of the questionnaire, tally your answers to see your recommended path.
1. How often do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
2. Are your daily activities significantly impacted by feelings of anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties?
A. Yes, most of the time
B. Sometimes, but I can manage
C. No, not really
3. How do you handle stressful situations?
A. I struggle and often feel unable to cope
B. I manage but could use some guidance
C. I handle them well but want to improve
4. Do you have specific goals you want to achieve but feel stuck?
A. I can’t think about goals; I’m just trying to get by
B. Yes, and I need help achieving them
C. I have goals and am making progress but want to optimize
5. Have you experienced significant trauma or loss that affects your daily life?
A. Yes, and it’s difficult to manage
B. Some, but I’m coping
C. No, or I have resolved these issues
6. How do you perceive your mental health?
A. I believe I might have a mental health condition
B. I think I’m generally okay but have some issues
C. I believe I’m mentally healthy but want to grow
7. Are you looking for strategies to manage specific life challenges (e.g., career, relationships)?
A. No, I’m focused on my emotional well-being
B. Yes, I need practical advice
C. Yes, and I want to enhance my performance
8. How comfortable are you with discussing deep personal issues?
A. I find it necessary and often helpful
B. I’m open to it if needed
C. I prefer to focus on the present and future
Assess Your Answers
Mostly A’s: You might benefit more from Mental Health Therapy. Therapy can help you manage and work through emotional and psychological issues.
Mostly B’s: You could benefit from both Therapy and Coaching. A combination approach might help you address emotional challenges while also working on personal and professional goals.
Mostly C’s: You might benefit more from Coaching. Coaching can help you enhance your performance, achieve goals, and make strategic improvements in your life.